Friday, August 22, 2008

Web Widow

Dearly Beloved,

We are gathered here today to morn the death of our dear friend, high speed Internet. He was good to me, he really was, he made me laugh, he made me cry, he told me when there was a sale at Victoria's Secret, and then one day, out of nowhere, I returned home to find out that he was gone - ripped from my grasp without warning. I am beside myself, I don't know what I ever did without him. Who's going to tell me what the weather is right this second, or show me the latest pics from last nights party, or let me know how Brittany and the kids are doing, huh? HUH? Internet, you cannot be replaced by a book or a newspaper or the television. You stand in a class by yourself. I love you. You will be missed more than words can describe...

You may ask, how are you writing this blog without the Internet? Well, I've come into work on my day off in order to write this very pressing blog. One week without the Internet at home and not only have I gone totally insane from boredom, I've been wondering just what we ever did without the web? I've found myself staring at walls, cleaning my room, using books for reference instead of Google, shopping in actual stores, calling people instead of chatting online... I didn't realize just how addicted I was until I was a web widow. It has been both a pleasant and shocking reality.

Well, I'm off to Nashville where I (thankfully) will have Internet access, however I may be too busy learning/networking/line dancing to surf the web all day. Stay tuned for more stories, as I'm sure that my very first ever business trip will yield much blog-worthy material.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Flip a coin for your thoughts

Hello friends, family, and random strangers. I welcome you all to my very first official blog. Well now, that's not entirely true. I blogged a few times on Myspace (twice to be exact) and those blogs were kind of great and in the same vain of penny+penny, so perhaps I'll post those at a later date for your enjoyment.

P+P was born out of the intense desire for me, who is known as a perpetual 'ray of sunshine', to let loose and tell you all those little things that just bug the crap out of me. I write in hopes of letting all of those little things go, or maybe just understand them a bit better, so that I may honestly, truly, wholly keep the 'perk' in 'Perky Penny' alive.

My very first rant is about all those jerk-face losers who stole my ideas for a blog title. In an attempt to come up with a witty title for my blog, I tried several names including the words 'penny' or 'coin' or 'cents': '(a)penny(4)foryourthoughts', 'theothersideofthecoin', 'my(2)cents' to name just a few. They were all already taken! Now, my dear friend suggested 'headsortails' which I thought sounded a skosh dirty, but even that was taken! (P.S. that one's kind of a cool blog and not at all dirty - I recommend it.) It just proved to me how uninspired, thoughtless, and random the world really is - are we all just flipping a coin to make decisions these days? About important things, like BLOG TITLES? Well, after hours and hours of tearing my hair out, (in Penny time, that's like maybe 15 minutes; in case you didn't figure out that I'm a tad over-dramatic) Penny Plus Penny (or Penny+Penny or P+P or PplusP or PpP or Pen+Pen) was born!

Well, that's my two cents kids. Tune in tomorrow for your next change-purse full of angst.