Wednesday, July 28, 2010

There Is Beauty In The Bellow Of The Blog

To blog or not to blog? That is the question. For over a year, the answer has been NOT to blog. But I'm back and better than ever, and I want to share a few thoughts about injustices which occurred during my vacation and call out the folks responsible for them:

1.) Crying babies on planes. You are a bad parent if your baby cries for an entire plane ride. Why did you take that baby on the plane at 9 PM? Isn't it past her bedtime? It is certainly past mine. You are not only a bad parent, you are a bad human being. I did not pay $150 to be locked in a small chamber with YOUR screaming baby for two hours. I would like to propose the invention of a "family" area at the back of the plane, behind a soundproof wall. You, the bad parent, the screaming baby, and a flight attendant that wears earplugs and gets paid a crap-ton of money.

2.) Sallie Mae. I already hate you. A lot. Don't call me or my family while I'm on vacation. What part of VA-CA-TION do you not understand? Meaning vacation from jobs, responsibility and all misery. You Mae, should change your name to Sallie Misery. I am going to put you in the back of my plane with the screaming babies.

3.) Bosses who yell at employees for telling the truth. Why are we all pretending that nobody has ever used a "sick day" to go to the beach or to stay in bed and eat ho-hos all day? So why chastise an honest person for telling you her best friend surprised her and she will respectfully take the day off? You are just jealous, angry boss man. You make a crap-ton of money and you know that your non-existent friends would never fly across the country to surprise you. You know where else you can make a crap-ton of money and have no friends? As a flight attendent in the back of my noisy baby plane. I banish you there with Sallie Misery and the angry babies.



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