Friday, September 5, 2008

The Recorder Man (Recycled)

Friends and Neighbors, you may call this cheating.  Below you'll find my first blog ever.  On October 1, 2007 on, a Blogger was born...  

"So, tonight I was waiting for the T at Harvard Square around 10 pm, and there was a grown man playing a recorder on the platform... badly. Now, didn't we all learn to play this awful "instrument" when we were 9 years old? And didn't we annoy enough people then? Maybe I was only annoyed because I was tired. Maybe it was because I was cold. Maybe it was because I have 2 degrees in Music, and maybe that makes me a snob. Maybe it was because people should not be allowed to impose their bad music on the rest of the world. I can still hear the terrible off-key shrill sound ringing in my ears. 

This is offense No. 1 of many in the case of Penny vs. Jerkfaces everywhere. Stay tuned."

Not bad for a first blog, eh?  You know, I was a lot angrier back then it seems.  Or a lot more full of myself.  


Matt! said...

Yes, quite an angry post from an angry little girl. ;-) However, given most of the performers in Harvard Square you are eminently justified, in my opinion.

Derrick said...

Wow, seems you are a natural blogger. I look forward to more posts like this.

By the way I LOVE the title it's so clever!

Puns are my favorite!